Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow

Week 8: Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow

I’m Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow presiding during week 8 of “Walking the Edge”. In the next coming days, I will showcase my work at various water sites around New York City. I hope that this work inspires you to get out of the comfort of your homes to safely explore your water’s edge.
When I think of the water’s edge I think of this massive body as the element that brought many of our ancestors here.
The water holds memories of their voyages.
Today, I’m prompting you to think about water as being a place of reflection. How does a large body of water make you feel?
Out of curiosity of what would be my nearest waterfront I’ve been researching areas for this project and came across Shirley Chisholm State Park while speaking to my neighbor in Queens. I recently rode my bicycle there to explore it as a possible site for my site specific performance work titled Junkanooacome, which touches upon Afro-Caribbean and American histories, landmarks, race, gender, and social justice. After learning more about Shirley Chisholm and the park named after her I’m inspired.